Page name: aki's dedications [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-02 21:15:39
Last author: Aki Neko
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~Aki~'s Dedications


#1) <img:>
This is [Shinju_Rorain]'s character. ^-^

This is Nii-Kuro's character.^-^[Bobby Bro]

This is Nii-Caita's favorite pic.^-^[shadow frost wolf]

#4) took down for user was mean.

for my nii, [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]. he asked for a pic of him, so, here it is!

[silent_voice]'s birthday!!!yay~♥

Tis for [XxTsomexX]!!!!Its her RP character and Hakkai from Saiyuki.

Dedicated to [elfboy] and [tazmanadevil]

For my good friend [Tyr and Zao Hawk], since I know he loves white tigers.

Username (or number or email):


2007-06-05 [Zel Holt]: Just trying to help. ^_^' I saw that on their house and I thought "Hey, that would be considered a dedication!" and you didn't have anything here so I wanted to help. ^_^'

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: thanks. i love the way you put it up.^ ^; im a little slow maniging the other wikis, so, thanks!!!

2007-06-05 [Zel Holt]: You're welcome, Btw since it was an emnty page when I edited it it made me the owner but then I changed it to you. ^_^

2007-07-21 [tazmanadevil]: thanks hun

2007-07-21 [Aki Neko]: Your welcome.^_^ I cant wait for Elf-san to get on so I can show him!!

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: hello again

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: Hiya!

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: What's up? ^_^

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: Not to much. You?

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: Just being bored and trying to figure out this stuff again.

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: XD Ok.

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: yep.

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: *glomps*

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: Ack! *falls*

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: *Giggles* ^________^

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: lol ^_^

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: so how have you been latly? *he says sitting up*

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: Im ok. Lots of crap though. You?

2007-08-03 [Zel Holt]: I'm good, just talking to a friend on the phone and talking on here.

2007-08-03 [Aki Neko]: Thas cool.

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: yep

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: So what'cha up to?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: dont wanna know.^ ^'' You?

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: Why not? is it a girl thing?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: You...can say that. Im only going to tell one person about this, and its going to end up killing me.XPPP

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: uhh pardon? *has gotten realy confused*

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: Its....shes taking something out on me that Im EXTREMELY hating right now.

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: She? Did you want to talk about it?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: I am, to someone whos trying to help....Oh god this is sick. XPPP

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: *got confused again* Me?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: No, whoever was on her account......*Growls*

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: Oh, may I ask who the friend is?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: [The Black Cat in Your Path]. Shes my RP mommy, and someone broke into her account.

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: then I suggest changeing the password.

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: Thats what Im going to tell her when SHE gets on.....though now Im going to be afraid to go near it.....

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: do you know them personaly? meaning phone?

2007-08-05 [Aki Neko]: No, not at all.

2007-08-05 [Zel Holt]: oh ok.

2007-08-06 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: so how's the request going?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ehh....Its ok.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Hmm? What not much requests for pics?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Its not that, they keep requesting stuff I end up messing up on.XDD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol, like what? ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Like....Ill use up 10 pecies of paper for one request.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: can I suggest something? Just trying to help of corse. ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Uhh...sure.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Do you have a copier? Cause you could draw erase what you don't like then copy the pic that you drew and it'll get rid of the erashers and you can darken your pic and then color it that way you don't have to get rid of so much paper? ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Not like that...Like messing up bad, bad formations and stuff.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Formations?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Like...their poses are wrong...Or they look to....I dunno, like for Vanion I drew for [silent_voice], he looks like a kid. O_o

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Actualy they look like a chibi-ish teen. You could erase the way they look and fix that one area that doesn't look like it's in the proper area and then do the same in the other area but make sure you don't erase the hole pic so you know what the main pose was sopose to be and so on? ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Oh...Actually, my printers messed...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Oh... ok

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Sad...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: hmm?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: About the printer.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ahh, ok. what happened to it?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ...It wont print.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ahh, how'd that manage to happen?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: I dunno...We put new cartragies in there, and it says their old. Oo

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: is it dusty or something like that? Maybe it's in the printers ink excrieter (sp)

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: I have no idea what that even is.XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol the thing that puts the ink on the paper.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Oh.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, maybe it's blocked somehow and can't put the ink on the paper.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: No, the thing pops up "HEY! You need new ink!" I just stare.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: oh maybe as I said before, there's something in the place where you put the ink cartridge?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: No, when I fist put them in it said "Ink..." Whatever it was.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok, well if there's nothing in there where it'll block the fact of it senceing it then I don't realy know what to do unless i'm there and take alook at it myself?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XDDD It dont matter...Ill get Ken over here, he can fiddle with it if I cant think of what to do.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol ok. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: it's a good thing you have someone of maitanince there. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ehhh....Im not even sure if he can do it.XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol still he can try can't he? ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Yeah....

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: what?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: He can try. O_o

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah but you did "...." and that means alot of things.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: That...Oo Ok...Uh

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: like doubt, bordom, anger, anoyance, sadness. and stuff like that.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Oh...It was didnt know...or..I DO ALOT!

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok. o.o'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: I confuse myself alot

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: same here, I mainly get confused by others. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, someong talks about something at me and i'm like torhu(sp) from fruits basket when she's confused ". . . . ."

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XDDD ToHru. And shes so cute.XDDD Momiji rocks though.XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol k, but there's more ?s in there for me.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ?s?? Like what?

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: question marks.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: oO You dont get alot...or...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: I don't understand what I'm being told or asked, or even actioned.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: oh.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Laughs*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yep. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Tackle glomps*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ACK! *falls agian*

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Laughs at him again*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Hehe ^_^' *leans up*

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Sits on top of him* Chair!

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol apperently.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^ *is leaning on his arms while being sat on*

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Laughs again and gets off*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: *gets on his right knee his left hand on his left knee and his right foot in a bend as if to burst off forward like a person fixing to run laps then stands* ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Blinks*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: What?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Shakes head* Never mind.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok. Oh! Can you draw me a good pic of your main character?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Iv been thinking of doing another one of her...Sure, I guess.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok, cause I want to try and draw it, I figured out that I can draw things better if I can see them beside the thing I'm drawing.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ok,

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Starts drawing*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: *is still working on his story*

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Im on paint too.XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: lol cool, I just finished another banner for my story

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Awsome!

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, slightly, I just do plain things on paint realy unless I'm coloring one of my pics.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: oh....

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, you can check it out, it's not very fancy.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Its cool!

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: You did a good jobob on that.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: It didn't take me more then 2-3 minutes to make it, wait are we talking about #1 or #2?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: #2

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: k, that's the one I was talking about.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2009-01-11 [Zel Holt]: ^_^ what's up.

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